Sunday, April 3, 2011

Post 3

I started out by trying to find articles on working conditions of fast food company workers and ended up finding the two articles below which brought up wages of workers.  It seems that there is a lot of debate on minimum wage and effects of it on workers.  While workers want to be treated fairly in their jobs it seems that all they ask is to be treated faily and to be paid fairly also.  The topic of unions also comes up and how they protect the worker from these companies.  Below are two articles that are example of what I am talking about and how economista also use fast food companies to determine what policies might work for the economy and the work force.

In the article "Side Order of Human Rights" by Eric Schlosser, he writes about how a 4 year boycott set by a coalition of workers who represent migrant workers on farms has ended.  These migrant workers in Florida were asking for a pay raise and better working conditions.  The boycotts were against Yum Brands and specifically Taco Bell.  Many immigrant workers pick vegetables for suppliers of Taco Bell.  Taco Bell has not wanted to get involved but as boycotts began to spread nationwide major organizations began to give there support.  Taco Bell finally did get involved and gave in forcing suppliers to agree to give a raise to the workers.
"One Minimum Wage Increase and a Side of Fries, Please" discusses how economists are now suggesting that it could be possible that if minimum wage is increased then employment could increase as well.  Other conservative economists believe that this is opposite of what could happen, if minimum wages are increased then employment decreases.

1 comment:

  1. You have some nice commentary along with very relevant article links.
